




Mr. Ke Youliang, born in April 1965, Doctor of Management, Senior Economist. He graduated from Huangshi Technical School Hubei Province in July 1985, and graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics in 1994 majoring in industry and corporate administration, graduated from Wuhan University of Technology and obtained master’s degree in economics in June 2001, majoring in industrial economics, graduated from Wuhan University of Technology with a doctor’s degree of in Management, majoring in management science and engineering in 2007. Mr. Ke Youliang joined Huaxin Cement Plant in 1985 and was an assistant manager of investment department, manager of engineering administration department, vice manager of comprehensive administration department of engineering division, and manager of planning and development department. He successively served as assistant general manager of the Company, manager of planning and development department, general manager of Western business department and general manager of AGG & wall materials business department from November 2001. From April 2003 to March 2004, he served as the deputy general manager of the Company. He became a vice president of the Company in March 2004.

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